New Report Reveals Solutions that "Close the Gap" on Racial Disparity in Health

(July 15, 2005—New York, NY) Today, the Applied Research Center and Northwest Federation of Community Organizations released a new report entitled Closing the Gap: Solutions to Race-Based Health Disparities. The report documents the persistent problems experienced by communities of color attempting to access health care services across the nation.

California Legislators Zero-in on Civil Rights Concerns in New Era of National Security

(April 29, 2004—Sacramento, CA) The Assembly Select Committee on Hate Crimes will hold a hearing to assess the state of civil rights in California. Legislators say that immigrant communities and communities of color are concerned that national security policies are fostering a climate of increased fear and hate.

Schwarzenegger Flunked on Fairness According to New Legislative Report Card on Race

(February 24, 2005—Sacramento, CA) The Applied Research Center, an Oakland-based public policy and research institute, released a report today on the voting record of California's legislature and Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. California's New Majority: 2004 Legislative Report Card on Race highlights ten bills that passed in the last session that would have had the most direct impact on communities of color.

California Legislative Report Card Released

(February 18, 2005—Oakland, CA) The Applied Research Center will hold a press teleconference on the release of their report, California's New Majority: 2004 Legislative Report Card on Race.

Radio Host Tavis Smiley Speaks on Elections & Communities of Color

(November 9, 2004—Berkeley, CA) Keynote Address Opens National Conference on Race & Public Policy. Radio and television talk-show host Tavis Smiley will be speaking in UC Berkeley’s Wheeler Auditorium at 7pm, Thursday November 11, 2004

Nuevo Movimiento Jura de Oponerse a Politicas Raciales de Bush

(4 de Noviembre, 2004—Berkeley, CA) Activistas se juntan en Conferencia Nacional de Raza y Politica Publica.

New Movement Vows to Resist Bush Race Policies

(November 4, 2004—Berkeley, CA) Advocates Gather at National Conference on Race and Public Policy at the University of California, Berkeley, November 11-13, 2004.

New Racial Justice Movement Emerges Post-911

(October 27, 2004—Berkeley, CA) Community activists, policy advocates and academics are gathering to discuss the future of the racial justice movement at a conference on Race and Public Policy at the University of California, Berkeley, November 11-13, 2004.

National Conference on Race and Public Policy

(October 20, 2004—Berkeley, CA) Post-election Conference to Set Strategies for Future of Civil Rights. 

Chicago Community Hearings to be Held on Anniversary of the Patriot Act

(October 16, 2003—Chicago, IL) Chicago Families Protest Increasing Racial Profiling in the Era of the War on Terror: Community Hearings to be Held on Anniversary of the Patriot Act.