Trump Administration Targets Children & Families in Communities of Color in Latest Immigration Regulation

Changes to Public Charge Could Put Health and Immigration Status at Risk for Millions.

Race Forward, National Council of American Indians and More Announce Opposition to Washington NFL Team Name

Nine leading national civil rights and racial justice organizations formally announced their joint opposition to the Washington NFL team locating its new stadium in the District of Columbia unless the team agrees to drop the “R-word” racial slur as its mascot.

Race Forward: Systemic Racism at Root of Latest Exec. Order on Immigration

The human rights catastrophe occurring on our borders and and in detention centers across the country is not, and never has been, about keeping America safe. This has never been about protecting children. This has never been about upholding the rule of law. This has always been about race.

Addressing Racism at Starbucks


Tackling implicit bias is a critical step for any institution working to combat racism. To root out bias, Starbucks must be explicit about race. They must also explore and address how racism plays out across the company--from the customer experience to who gets promoted to the demographics of their executive leadership.

Race Forward Response to Violence in Charlottesville: Call for a Multiracial Movement to Resist the Rise of White Nationalism

This weekend in Charlottesville we witnessed an act of domestic terrorism by white nationalists. Since May, this resurgence of white nationalist violence has resulted in murders from Oregon to Virginia, and is more threatening with each passing day. This cannot become the new normal.

Spike in Immigration Raids, Deportations of Parents Will Shatter Families and Leave Thousands in Foster Care

Right now, immigrant families are facing a period of heightened persecution and crisis as President Trump has already begun to deliver on his campaign promises on mass deportation. What we are witnessing is a nationwide immigration crackdown that is tearing families apart. ICE (U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement) officials and local law enforcement are becoming increasingly emboldened to target and track down non-citizens at their homes, schools, places of worship, and courthouses.

Joint Statement on Week 1 of Trump Presidency’s Impact on Communities of Color

"The executive orders signed this week mark the beginning of a sweeping, reckless assault — the likes of which we have never seen — on the values that unite us. Our country was founded on principles of freedom and inclusion, and we are stronger, safer, freer when we come together. However, each order finds a new way to divide us: singling out entire groups of people based on how they look or where they come from, turning away refugees, building useless and expensive walls.

Race Forward Statement on the 2016 National Election

It seems the worst outcome we could have imagined has become a reality: a stunning victory for racism, misogyny, homophobia, and vengeful authoritarianism. Like many of you, we watched the election results with a mixture of anger, grief, and anxiety about the future of racial justice and the safety of our communities. In the coming days, there will be much analysis and speculation about what led to this outcome.

Statement on Orlando Massacre Targeting Queer People of Color

We are hurting here at Race Forward, as we grieve for the victims of the massacre at Orlando LGBT Pulse nightclub on Latinx-themed night. As we learn more about those victims—their names and stories—we send so much love to their families and communities.

The Supreme Court Races Forward

Race Forward celebrates Supreme Court decisions in health care (King v. Burwell), housing discrimination (Texas Department of Housing v. Inclusive Communities Project), and same-sex marriage (Obergefell v. Hodges), and underscores their impact on people of color, while acknowledging there remains work to be done.