Schwarzenegger Recibe una Calificación de "F" en su Informe Legislativo

(15 de Enero, 2008—California) Un nuevo informe de investigación llevado a cabo por el Applied Research Center (ARC) documenta el fracaso por parte de los legisladores de California en no invertir en políticas que beneficien a todos los californianos.

Schwarzenegger Gets ‘F’ on Legislative Report Card, Fails to Invest in Racial Justice

(January 2007—Oakland, CA) A new research report, Facing Race: California Legislative Report Card on Racial Equity 2007, from the Applied Research Center (ARC) documents the failure of California lawmakers to invest in policies that benefit all Californians.

Novelist Walter Mosley Challenges Congress at Facing Race

(March 22, 2007—New York, NY) Award-winning mystery novelist and social commentator, Walter Mosley challenged party politics on Capitol Hill during the opening of ARC's national conference on racial justice.

Ahead of Facing Race, ARC calls for Justice in 50-shot Brutality Case

(March 15, 2007—New York, NY) Tensions increased today after the grand jury in the Sean Bell case failed to decide whether to indict three NYPD officers. 

Minnesota Leads Nation in Quality of Life, but Its Lawmakers Fail on Racial Justice

(April 14, 2006—Minneapolis, MN) The Organizing Apprenticeship Project delivered grades to the Minnesota State Legislature, criticizing a marked failure to advance racial equity in Minnesota. 

New Report Gives California Officials Low Marks on Race in Session Plagued by Missed Opportunities

(November 14, 2006—Oakland, CA) New research from ARC shows the California Legislature scoring a “C-” and Governor Schwarzenegger a “D,” and reveals that partisan politics are standing in the way of progress.

Racial Divide Deepens as Solutions Stall in Springfield

(November 13, 2006—Chicago, IL) Facing Race 2006: Illinois Legislative Report Card on Racial Equity represents the first time Illinois lawmakers have been evaluated on their response to issues of racial equity.

New Census Data Shows Dramatic Increase in Latinos, Asian Americans

(August 14, 2006—New York, NY) The analysis released today by the Applied Research Center tracks demographic changes along racial lines between 2000 and 2005. Available online, the fact sheet provides state-by-state data charting the rapid rise of communities of color in the U.S.

Rinku Sen To Lead the Applied Research Center

(July 5, 2006—New York, NY) The Board of Directors of the Applied Research Center (ARC) announced today that Rinku Sen has taken on the position of President and Executive Director at the national research and policy institute. Ms. Sen will immediately take over the leadership role vacated by founding director Gary Delgado who steps down this month. 

Legisladores y Abogados Defensores dicen "La Raza Importa" en California

El Centro de Investigación Aplicada da a conocer los resultados de la evaluación al Gobernador Schwarzenegger y al Cuerpo Legislativo Estatal. Consultoría en Comunicaciones. Noviembre 16 , 2005. Contactos:Andre Banks (510) 289-0102 movil, (212) 513-7925 oficina, Gina Acebo (510) 882-6255 movil, (510) 653-3415 oficina.