At Race Forward, we explicitly lead with race with the understanding that racial inequities resulting from pervasive systemic racism in the policies and structures of this country hamper socioeconomic growth for people of color. Therefore, while race is at the core of what we do, we do not address it exclusively, but rather prominently and with intersectionality across all sectors, including housing, healthcare, education, economic stability, and incarceration rates.
We call this the “Race And…” framework, through which race complements rather than competes with issues relevant to all Americans.
Our #RaceAnd webinar series takes this approach, focusing on issues, but leading with race to show how structural racism within a particular issue has been detrimental to communities of color. We also focus on the work and efforts of organizers fighting for racial equity.
#RaceAnd: Labor Organizing
Workers' rights and support for unions have always been central to the broader racial justice movement. This webinar provides an understanding of the labor rights movement with a conversation with labor activists Dolores Huerta, Co-founder of the United Farm Workers Association; Chris Small, Founder and President of the Amazon Labor Union; and Erica Clemmons Dean, Program & Network Director at Family Values @ Work — three organizers at the forefront of transforming working conditions for tens of thousands of workers.
#RaceAnd: Femicide
A conversation among women’s rights organizers and leaders addressing gendered and racialized violence in our communities, from the crisis of missing and murdered Indigenous and Black women to targeted attacks against Asian women to ongoing violence against trans and gender non-conforming people to the trafficking of immigrant women.
#RaceAnd: The Fight for Reproductive Justice
Racism when it comes to sexual and reproductive health.
A diverse panel of experts in areas of reproductive justice organizing, policy, and narrative change share insights into how race and gender intersect with reproductive justice and how we can make abortion activism more inclusive?
#RaceAnd: Organizing for Racial Justice After the Inauguration
Government has the ability to lead on racial justice and in this conversation Ra’Mya Davis, Dr. Amara Enyia, Alejandra Pablos and Connie Huynh share strategies to organize community power to hold the Biden Administration accountable in advancing racial equity.
#RaceAnd: The Movement Forward, Looking Past the Vote and Mobilizing for Racial Justice
Racial justice work does not end with winning elections. This webinar focuses on the importance of continuing to organize and transform policies and institutions in order to truly advance racial justice in this country.
#RaceAnd: The Gender Binary
Trans people are being attacked simply because of who they are. Eliminating transphobia from our world requires examining not only bigotry, but also the political and material interests of wealthy and powerful people. By the end of this webinar, you will have a better understanding of how the gender binary functions systemically to maintain white, wealthy, cisgender men and women at the top of a hierarchy of people.
#RaceAnd: Cannabis
Cannabis legalization is not just an economic and public health issue, it’s also a racial justice issue. To start addressing the harms of the War on Drugs, it’s critical to center race from the very foundation of local and state cannabis legalization structures.
It’s important to understand that the legalization of cannabis is only the first step in a long process. This webinar delves into the components of a social equity policy, from how tax revenue is allocated to how financial and legal barriers to the cannabis market entry are addressed. These decisions have the potential to exacerbate racial inequities or begin to repair the harm and move toward solutions rooted in racial justice.